The Akashic Records Have A Large Secret That Many Have No Idea About.
The Akashic Records Have A Large Secret That Many Have No Idea About.
The funny thing about life is that we all are just living it thinking we are moving into a new paradigm. The truth is that we are not all moving into that paradigm…only some of us are.
If you have never heard of the Akashic Records you are just still moving slowly about. The last 18 months have proved that in every detail.We all make choices in this world and we also made them before we actually made the decision to embark on the journey called ‘life.’ The world that we know is actually the world we have chosen and nothing rings true more than understanding this through the Akashic Records. Some will call it crazy talk, and others will just be silent and do the research but one thing is for certain…The choices you have made are created in this infinite Hall of Records.
The thought and the understand is truly poetic. So as a poet I urge you to do your research because knowing is truly moving forward in this dimension. If you feel that you are not moving forward it is more than likely because you have not heard this information. Start writing your thoughts as a business plan while here. You will find whole-heartedly that your life will have more meaning after doing so. Do not give up and learn patience. Everything you write will find your subconscious in 24 hours (because the brain has to process the information) then after it creates a new neuro-pathway it will eventually show up in your life within a couple of years. I have never seen any of this information written down so I will go so far as to say that it may be something to study further in the way you seem fit but from experience I can state that it is certain.
We are slowly moving into a new timeline on Earth and many will be looking for new reasons and meanings to live life. Your purpose here is not what you physically look like. Stop giving this mindset a breath to live. Move forward with only what YOU understand as peace and happiness. You will find it finds you after it finds the subconscious because the subconscious is extremely powerful in your healing process than you were taught.
Any one who has found this information can find our other book ‘The Entity Phylum’ by googling it and reading a small understanding of small reasons of the negative thoughts people seem to be experiencing on the planet at this time.
Thank you for taking the time to read this information. I am sorry if it it may not sit well with you right away but after processing please come back and read it again. Have a great day.